I've been all over the net on this one.
I'm using Crystal Reports XI. Not VB, not C#, just the Report Creator.
I will be calling this from another source.
I have a test stored procedure that takes 1 parameter. If I use the report expert, and choose the stored procedure, it prompts me in the beginning for the parameter to send to the report and sets it all up for me. Great!
I added another parameter. Now the report doesn't work when run from the designer because the stored procedure NOW expects 2 parameters. It's all good.
But I can't edit the SQL Query, so how do I add in another parameter and wire it to the stored procedure.
I added it as a parameter but the stored procedure doesn't see it.
I haven't found a website that will help, nor is there any help in the help file on this.
Thanks ahead of time for any and all help.
I'm using Crystal Reports XI. Not VB, not C#, just the Report Creator.
I will be calling this from another source.
I have a test stored procedure that takes 1 parameter. If I use the report expert, and choose the stored procedure, it prompts me in the beginning for the parameter to send to the report and sets it all up for me. Great!
I added another parameter. Now the report doesn't work when run from the designer because the stored procedure NOW expects 2 parameters. It's all good.
But I can't edit the SQL Query, so how do I add in another parameter and wire it to the stored procedure.
I added it as a parameter but the stored procedure doesn't see it.
I haven't found a website that will help, nor is there any help in the help file on this.
Thanks ahead of time for any and all help.