- Sep 6, 2001
- 43
I'm using the following from MS to open the OpenFile Common Dialog Box. I'd like to use the SaveAs Common Dialog Box as well, but I can't seem to find any info on how to do this. I'm sure it's a few simple modifications of the following, but I'm not sure how to do it. Any help is most definitely appreciated!
Thanks, Bill
Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias _
"GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long
lStructSize As Long
hwndOwner As Long
hInstance As Long
lpstrFilter As String
lpstrCustomFilter As String
nMaxCustFilter As Long
nFilterIndex As Long
lpstrFile As String
nMaxFile As Long
lpstrFileTitle As String
nMaxFileTitle As Long
lpstrInitialDir As String
lpstrTitle As String
flags As Long
nFileOffset As Integer
nFileExtension As Integer
lpstrDefExt As String
lCustData As Long
lpfnHook As Long
lpTemplateName As String
End Type
Function LaunchCD(strform As Form, ByVal ImportName) As String
'This function opens the Common Open File Dialog Box, which allows the user to choose the appropriate filename
Dim lReturn As Long
Dim sFilter As String
OpenFile.lStructSize = Len(OpenFile)
OpenFile.hwndOwner = strform.Hwnd
sFilter = "All Files (*.*)" & Chr(0) & "*.*" & Chr(0)
OpenFile.lpstrFilter = sFilter
OpenFile.nFilterIndex = 1
OpenFile.lpstrFile = String(257, 0)
OpenFile.nMaxFile = Len(OpenFile.lpstrFile) - 1
OpenFile.lpstrFileTitle = OpenFile.lpstrFile
OpenFile.nMaxFileTitle = OpenFile.nMaxFile
OpenFile.lpstrInitialDir = "A:\"
OpenFile.lpstrTitle = "Select the " + ImportName + " Import File Name"
OpenFile.flags = 0
lReturn = GetOpenFileName(OpenFile)
If lReturn = 0 Then
MsgBox "A file was not selected!", vbInformation, _
"Select a file using the Common Dialog DLL"
LaunchCD = Trim(OpenFile.lpstrFile)
End If
End Function
Thanks, Bill
Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias _
"GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long
lStructSize As Long
hwndOwner As Long
hInstance As Long
lpstrFilter As String
lpstrCustomFilter As String
nMaxCustFilter As Long
nFilterIndex As Long
lpstrFile As String
nMaxFile As Long
lpstrFileTitle As String
nMaxFileTitle As Long
lpstrInitialDir As String
lpstrTitle As String
flags As Long
nFileOffset As Integer
nFileExtension As Integer
lpstrDefExt As String
lCustData As Long
lpfnHook As Long
lpTemplateName As String
End Type
Function LaunchCD(strform As Form, ByVal ImportName) As String
'This function opens the Common Open File Dialog Box, which allows the user to choose the appropriate filename
Dim lReturn As Long
Dim sFilter As String
OpenFile.lStructSize = Len(OpenFile)
OpenFile.hwndOwner = strform.Hwnd
sFilter = "All Files (*.*)" & Chr(0) & "*.*" & Chr(0)
OpenFile.lpstrFilter = sFilter
OpenFile.nFilterIndex = 1
OpenFile.lpstrFile = String(257, 0)
OpenFile.nMaxFile = Len(OpenFile.lpstrFile) - 1
OpenFile.lpstrFileTitle = OpenFile.lpstrFile
OpenFile.nMaxFileTitle = OpenFile.nMaxFile
OpenFile.lpstrInitialDir = "A:\"
OpenFile.lpstrTitle = "Select the " + ImportName + " Import File Name"
OpenFile.flags = 0
lReturn = GetOpenFileName(OpenFile)
If lReturn = 0 Then
MsgBox "A file was not selected!", vbInformation, _
"Select a file using the Common Dialog DLL"
LaunchCD = Trim(OpenFile.lpstrFile)
End If
End Function