I have a report and I need to move labels depending on the results of the report. Everytime i choose the move command, it simply makes them dissapear. here is a snipet of the code.
Me.lblpavinspect.Visible = True
Me.lblpavinspect.Move lblleft, lbltop, lblwidth, lblheight
Me.BPI.Move dataleft, [datatop], [datawidth], [dataheight]
Me.BPI.Visible = True
Me.BPI.Caption = strDate
lbltop = lbltop + 0.1667
datatop = datatop + 0.1667
Me.lblpavinspect.Visible = True
Me.lblpavinspect.Move lblleft, lbltop, lblwidth, lblheight
Me.BPI.Move dataleft, [datatop], [datawidth], [dataheight]
Me.BPI.Visible = True
Me.BPI.Caption = strDate
lbltop = lbltop + 0.1667
datatop = datatop + 0.1667