You'l find as a discriptor for RES that it's a compiled (binary) file. It is usually created by a resourcecompiler, Borland called it brcc32 in Delphi's bin directory, by compiling the info in a RC file. This RC is a script-like parameter file where one can define resources to be linked into the final EXE using any modern linker.
So usually a RES file is not deployed with any software, except when it has to be used to generate some kind of EXE or DLL files.
If you need to generate a RES file from your app, write a RC and call "BRCC32 <resourcescript.rc>" and the RES file wil be there a few seconds later ;-)
I am using Delphi 7 Enterprise, and I cannot find BRCC32 in my bin directory. Are things done a different way in Delphi 7? I've been using the Image Editor to edit .res files, but now I want to add a JPEG resource, and want to make my own .rc to compile into a .res. Can I obtain this program from another source?
there is a resource explorer demo that gives great insight
about resources. you can find the demo in <your delphi dir>\Demos\ResXplor. if things are not clear please let me know...
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