I'm trying to make a perl script respond to user selection from form object radio button value of "Yes" or "No". That is, if the user selects "Yes", then the form results will be parsed and user sent to an html page, e.g., "received.html"
If the user selects radiobutton "NO", completes the remainder of the form and submits, then the user is sent to an html page e.g., "weneedtofollowup.html"
How can I do this in Perl?
I'd started using the following script but realised that the value would use what I have there (No.html and Yes.html) and not values of "Yes" or "No"
<input type="radio" name="receipt" value="No.html" onclick="document.forms[0].action = this.value" /> ) YES
<br />
<input type="radio" name="receipt" value="Yes.html" onclick="document.forms[0].action = this.value" /> ) NO
Can someone help? I need this resolved.
If the user selects radiobutton "NO", completes the remainder of the form and submits, then the user is sent to an html page e.g., "weneedtofollowup.html"
How can I do this in Perl?
I'd started using the following script but realised that the value would use what I have there (No.html and Yes.html) and not values of "Yes" or "No"
<input type="radio" name="receipt" value="No.html" onclick="document.forms[0].action = this.value" /> ) YES
<br />
<input type="radio" name="receipt" value="Yes.html" onclick="document.forms[0].action = this.value" /> ) NO
Can someone help? I need this resolved.