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Aug 13, 2000
What should I do with my web site to be listed by a search engine like Google, Altavista or Hotbot.
I wrote this line <meta name=&quot;keywords&quot; content=&quot;...&quot;> inside the HTML <head> tag where I added inside the content quotation marks the keywords related to my site and my web site address was not listed when I searched that keywords on Google.

Is there any other way to make search engine list my web site address?

well one way is to post it to every available forum :/
Generally google will eventually find your page and index it. however, start with dmoz.org and submit your site to the most appropriate category. Sites listed in the directory will be picked up also by altavista, yahoo, google, etc. Some search engines also have a link that reads &quot;submit your site&quot;. Use it. Also having other sites that link to yours that are already listed will assist the spiders in finding you hence listing your site.

Never be afraid to try something new.
Remember that amateurs built the Ark.
Professionals built the Titanic
Or go to the offices of each search engine company with a cricket bat and demand that they list your site.
If you hand submit your site to google they will eventually pick it up. The good thing is, they wont penelize you for submitting it too much (as long as you wait 24 hours).
I have found dmoz to be of little help for the most part.
If you want to see results, pay a submission company the small fee to do it for you every month. It's ALWAYS worked for me.
Hopefully clarkin's advice is given tongue in cheek, and carwee's advice is about 4yrs out of date.
you don't need to submit once a month. what you need are some good backlinks and some good RELEVANT copy on your site that visitors want to read and other webmasters want to link to. Read the Google guidelines
Do you have a need to be listed or do you just want to be listed because it looks like everybody else is, do you have something important to share with the world, because if you don't or can't make your site interesting or valuable enough for visitors the SEs aren't interested either (unless you use PFI of course)


Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?
Take a look at for lots of tips and information about search engines. Visit each search engine (there are only half a dozen important ones) and look for a link labelled &quot;Add URL&quot; or &quot;Suggest a Site&quot; or whatever. Submit your URL. Visit Yahoo and the Open Directory and submit your site to an appropriate category. Then wait - it can take a month or more for a site to appear in a search engine's pages.

Don't worry too much about meta tag keywords. Despite what you read in numerous (old) advice columns on the web, most search engines ignore keywords nowadays - they're too prone to spamming. Instead, concentrate on building good content on your site and on getting other sites to link to it. &quot;Link popularity&quot; is important to your placement on Google, and as DeZiner says it'll make it more likely for crawlers to find your site.

-- Chris Hunt
Extra Connections Ltd

The real world's OK for a visit, but you wouldn't want to LIVE there!
Along with all the useful info above, you have to be patient, too. Some SE's may not get your site listed for months! Not that they're slow, they just have a lot of requests. (Yes, some are just plain SLOW!)

So, keep your shirt on and follow ALL the advice above. It'll happen eventually.

There's always a better way...
Might I recommend reading this if you have a few spare minutes:

I might suggest just kinda' spending a couple hours reading all the articles (but the pictures are good, too!) at


[monkey] Edward [monkey]

&quot;Cut a hole in the door. Hang a flap. Criminy, why didn't I think of this earlier?!&quot; -- inventor of the cat door
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