I need to have to row in my report which in some case to be unvisible.
I should transfer last page summurise to the current page before detail start.
And I should have a summurise in each page if group detail not yet finished.
so, In first of groupdetail no have any lastpage to transfer the summurise, so should be unvisible.
And in end of groupdetail if no more groupdetail start in same page we don't have any sumurise to transfer to the next page..
any body can help me???
I need to have to row in my report which in some case to be unvisible.
I should transfer last page summurise to the current page before detail start.
And I should have a summurise in each page if group detail not yet finished.
so, In first of groupdetail no have any lastpage to transfer the summurise, so should be unvisible.
And in end of groupdetail if no more groupdetail start in same page we don't have any sumurise to transfer to the next page..
any body can help me???