i want to make an installer for the project I made in borland delphi 7, but i dont have any idea how to do it... anyone here can help how to create an installer..??? plz reply.. god BlesS...!
My D3 came with a Delphi-specific InstallShield, too. But I think it was only intended for versions of Delphi which had a direct corporate intention ("Professional" or "Enterprise").
In the past I have found there to be severe limitations on what the 'free/included with Delphi' versions of Installshield will do, unless that has changed, I would recommend innosetup.(link in Glenns post)
Also I think Installshield uses the Microsoft install engine, which makes installers hugely over sized.
The first place I went to look for this was sourceforge, but a brain fart kept me from remembering "inno". Then Glenn came up with what is apparently it's latest home. Anyway, this link contains some 640 support tools for "Inno Setup":
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