I'm working on a page with a left side column of several boxes each containing text. Using a css with .hover I am able to get some of the effect I desire to work, but not all.
What I would like to see is that when hovered over the box actually drops down 1 or 2 pxs and shifts to the right the same amount. The effect is that the box appears to move slightly when being selected. Of course, when the cursor is moved out of the area the position would go back to the default defined.
The technique I tried was to have a 1px border and a 2px margin for the defaults. For the .hover I used a 3px margin-top and margin-left and a 1px margin-bottom and margin-right assuming this would reposition the box. It didn't.
Also, according to my manuals, the margin is outside of the border, whereas in my testing the margin seems to effect inside the border (I thought that was padding).
Can anyone please provide a little insight and guide me in the right direction?
Thanks - Bob
I'm working on a page with a left side column of several boxes each containing text. Using a css with .hover I am able to get some of the effect I desire to work, but not all.
What I would like to see is that when hovered over the box actually drops down 1 or 2 pxs and shifts to the right the same amount. The effect is that the box appears to move slightly when being selected. Of course, when the cursor is moved out of the area the position would go back to the default defined.
The technique I tried was to have a 1px border and a 2px margin for the defaults. For the .hover I used a 3px margin-top and margin-left and a 1px margin-bottom and margin-right assuming this would reposition the box. It didn't.
Also, according to my manuals, the margin is outside of the border, whereas in my testing the margin seems to effect inside the border (I thought that was padding).
Can anyone please provide a little insight and guide me in the right direction?
Thanks - Bob