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How to make a microsoft Access macro pause 2

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Technical User
Jan 7, 2009
Im creating a maco in Access that executes a batch file which executes a script that generates several txt files that are then imported into the database by the next action in the macro. How can I pause between the creation of the txt files and the transfer of said files for a minute so that the txt files will actually be there when the next part of the macro tries to import them?
Hi, to make a pause:

create the sub:
Sub sleep(tSecs As Single)
' Timer to create a pause
Dim sngSec As Single

sngSec = Timer + tSecs
Do While Timer < sngSec
End Sub

to pause 2 seconds your code use: Sleep 2
like this:

sub yoursub()

sleep 2 'this make a pause for 2 seconds to increse or decrease only change the "2" value

End sub

sorry my english
First, don't use use macro but VBA (for better error handling)
Second, how do you executes a batch file from within access ?

Hope This Helps, PH.
Thanks Charles! Im brand new to VBA and Im not quite sure how to create the sub. I can cut and paste like a champ but Im not sure what I should and should not paste in a module. When I try to add the line Runcode in the macro I get error messages with the code as it is. Any chance you can dumb down your response for me? ;) thanks

A batch file is an MS DOS application which will run in access. it took a bit of "remodeling" but i figured out that i had to change directories within the batch file. also i had to rename it with a .bat extention instead of .cmd and take out the spaces in the batchfile name. I basically changed the line from:

s:WC CSO PI - Local\Phones\Scripts\08 Tables\New Tables\
Start Tables Export -1.acsauto


cd \WC CSO PI - Local\Phones\Scripts\08 Tables\New Tables\
Start TablesExport-1.acsauto

I mean its just a simple batchfile that starts a script in AVAYA. I couldnt make a macro to run the script itself because its not a ms windows or ms dos application. I just jumped into DB work before I got my present job and I didnt know how to actually write in VBA. so I tried a little work around and....... it worked. go me
Hey, post the .bat file script here, perhaps i transform in vb code to you.

It's actually three lines; The first to change the drive letter; the second to change the directory and then the third to execute a script. If I dont do it that way the batchfile doesnt work. Ok So here it is.......

cd \WC CSO PI - Local\Phones\Scripts\08 Tables\New Tables\
Start TablesExport-1.acsauto

Thanks for your help, Chuck!
Hi, this vba code execute .bat file and wait it close to start new commands. To use you need to copy the code and past in a new module.

Option Explicit

'//The Shell function runs other programs asynchronously so what
'//What you basically have to do is Open the existing Process
'//for the running Application and, LOOP & WAIT for the processes return state
'//ie when the specified process is in the signaled state
'//or a timeout occurs.

Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, _
ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, _
ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal hHandle As Long, _
ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetExitCodeProcess Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal hProcess As Long, _
lpExitCode As Long) As Long

Private Const SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000
'// Note:SYNCHRONIZE Windows NT/2000
Private Const INFINITE = &HFFFF 'OR -1&
'// INFINITE, the function’s time-out interval never elapses.
Private Const STILL_ACTIVE = &H103

Public Function ShellAndWait(ByVal BatFile As String)
' Shells a new process and waits for it to complete.
' Calling application is totally non-responsive while
' new process executes.
Dim PID As Long
Dim hProcess As Long
Dim nRet As Long

'// Unlike other Functions Shell generates an error
'// instead of returning a 0 so handling the error
'// = Application NOT started.
On Error Resume Next
PID = Shell(BatFile, vbMinimizedNoFocus)
If Err Then
'// handle the error here and End
MsgBox "Could NOT exercute:= " & BatFile
End If
On Error GoTo 0

'// SYNCHRONIZE For Windows NT/2000:
'// Enables using the process handle in any of the wait
'// functions to wait for the process to terminate.
'// obviously with NT you need access rights.
hProcess = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, False, PID)
'// Just set the dwMilliseconds to INFINITE to initiate a Loop
nRet = WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE)

GetExitCodeProcess hProcess, nRet
Loop While nRet = STILL_ACTIVE

CloseHandle hProcess

End Function

Sub HalfBasedRoutine()
Dim sApp As String

'// Define the Application FullPath here
sApp = "c:\Scripts.bat"

ShellAndWait sApp 'Wait .bat terminate

'insert here what you want to make after .bat execute.

End Sub
Ah, in access 2007 you have a function to convert the macro into a vb comand. You can convert your access macro and insert de converted code into the :

Sub HalfBasedRoutine()
Dim sApp As String
'// Define the Application FullPath here
sApp = "c:\Scripts.bat"
ShellAndWait sApp 'Wait .bat terminate


End Sub

CharlesFS, here a simpler way:
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run sApp, , True 'Wait .bat terminate
Dear CharlesFS
Using your simple Sleep API completely helped me resolve my email sending problem.

The emails would send too fast and Outlook would throw a message box to prompt to send the next email. This is an application that has to run over night unmonitored.

By adding a 10 second sleep (10000), it gave the subroutine time to send out the email and not throw the dialog.

Thank you very much!
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