Kind of long question - I am new and need help designing a database to track current employees and turnover postions. Background info: Every employees is in a unique position number and there are multiple sites. Employees transfer from site to site creating constant turnover. A position # can be vacant and filled multiple times and an employee may transfer multiple times to different sites and pos#. At any given time, I need to track number of filled positions, # of vacant positions, # of times a position became vacant during the year, # of times an employee transferred between positions, and duration of time a position # remained vacant before being filled for cost purposes which I plan to link to Excel spreadsheet that has employee pay rate). So far I have tblPosition#, tblSiteID), tblPersonnel. I am using "Vacant Date" and "Filled Date" fields in the tblPersonnel table, but I lose the turnover history when I replace the date when an employee change position multiple times. Need to keep history. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.