Access 2003
How To Loop through an array of combo boxes and print
its value.
There are 5 combo boxes and their names and values are
CB_Symbol_1 = AB
CB_Symbol_2 = CB
CB_Symbol_3 = MB
CB_Symbol_4 = XZ
CB_Symbol_5 = IB
The code that does not work is
MsgBox Len( '""& Me!CB_Symbol_" & I & "' )
The code above suppose to display the value of
each of the combo boxes.
Private Sub Example
Dim I as Integer
For I = 1 To 5
MsgBox "Me!CB_Symbol_" & I
MsgBox Len( '"& Me!CB_Symbol_" & I & "' )
Next I
End Sub
How To Loop through an array of combo boxes and print
its value.
There are 5 combo boxes and their names and values are
CB_Symbol_1 = AB
CB_Symbol_2 = CB
CB_Symbol_3 = MB
CB_Symbol_4 = XZ
CB_Symbol_5 = IB
The code that does not work is
MsgBox Len( '""& Me!CB_Symbol_" & I & "' )
The code above suppose to display the value of
each of the combo boxes.
Private Sub Example
Dim I as Integer
For I = 1 To 5
MsgBox "Me!CB_Symbol_" & I
MsgBox Len( '"& Me!CB_Symbol_" & I & "' )
Next I
End Sub