Depending on distro and install :
or (more common)
Never seen it anywhere else ;
find / -name httpd.conf
to find it for sure.
Actually if you compile Apache with the default Unix layout, it's
, but most Linux pre-packaged installs place it at
It's funny, but you actually answered your own question. Just type in "locate httpd.conf", and you will get a list of all locations your server has that file. This is assuming that your server is running the "locate" file indexer, which is pretty common on Unix/Linux installs these days. Generally "locate" is updated once a day by a cron job which runs the script "updatedb" to index all the files on your system. This allows for a very fast search on file locations, but it is necessarily accurate with up-t-the-minute information for files that have been changed during the day. If you get an error while running "locate", then try to su to root, and run "updatedb" yourself, which will build the initial index to search from.
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