I'd like to launch a file with the default program that is assigned for it, f.i .wav -> mediaplayer, .doc ->word ...
I tried the launch the function start blabala.wav from within my program (f.i. with winexec or spawn) but start.exe does not exist anymore in NT. In Win98 it exists but in NT you can use the startfunction in a dosbox but not within a program. So does anybody know a function to do the same without having to look for the default program that is assigned to a particular extension. And if that does not exist, how do I find the default program that is assigned with a particular extension ?
I tried the launch the function start blabala.wav from within my program (f.i. with winexec or spawn) but start.exe does not exist anymore in NT. In Win98 it exists but in NT you can use the startfunction in a dosbox but not within a program. So does anybody know a function to do the same without having to look for the default program that is assigned to a particular extension. And if that does not exist, how do I find the default program that is assigned with a particular extension ?