you could set a variable in a package to true when the proc starts, and back to false when the proc ends.
from where you need to know if the proc is running, just check that var. --
Wonboodoo, you are right.
though, what you suggest would require a commit.
without commit and not beeing in the same session, this would probably require access to the sys views. then you could use v$session, v$sqltext, v$sqlarea or another view like that. --
dbms_output will only send messages to the screen when the routine finishes running. So this would only tell you that the routine completed - not that it's actually running.
You could UTL_FILE to create a flat file that indicates the procedure ran. It could include sysdate and variable values. (select * from life where brain is not null)
Consultant/Custom Forms & PL/SQL - Oracle 8.1.7 - Windows 2000
i have a log table to which i add (and commit) an entry each time a package/procedure/function starts/ends etc ... could be modified to add entry at other points in package if commit will not cause problems - need commit to read entries in log file before provedure/package ends ...
Best of Irish Luck, David.
As Raj already indicated - you could set up an autonomous transaction so the commit after inserting into your log table would not have any effect on your main program.
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