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How to insert a date filter in a sql query ?

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Technical User
Jan 31, 2016
The query below works (=displays the account totals from the complete tables A and B)

If I replace the bold code below with this 'date filter'
"Sum(RCDetails19.DT_V) WHERE RCDetails19.Date<=Enddate AS TTrDTV, "&_
"Sum(RCDetails19.CT_W) WHERE RCDetails19.Date<=Enddate AS TTrCTW, "&_
I get the following error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Sum(RCDetails19.DT_V) WHERE RCDetails19.Date<=Enddate'.

Thanks for tips to solve this.


Dim Conn, rs1, sql1, rs2, sql2
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("_private/MY.mdb")
Set rs1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set rs2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

SQL1="SELECT Date, JBAccNR, Number, BInVKP, BUitAKP, ledenid, DT_V, CT_W  FROM TableA "&_
"UNION ALL SELECT Date, JBAccNR, Number, BInVKP, BUitAKP, ledenid, DT_V, CT_W FROM TableB AS RCDetails19 ORDER BY Date ASC"

SQL2="SELECT ACC18.AccID, ACC18.AccDate, ACC18.AccNR, ACC18.AccNM, ACC18.varAccNr, "&_
[b]"Sum(RCDetails19.DT_V) AS TTrDTV, "&_
"Sum(RCDetails19.CT_W) AS TTrCTW, "&_
[/b]"Sum(RCDetails19.CT_W)-Sum(RCDetails19.DT_V) AS SaldoBVD "&_ 
"FROM ACC18 "&_
"LEFT JOIN RCDetails19 ON ACC18.AccNR=RCDetails19.JBAccNR "&_
"WHERE ACC18.AccNR is not null GROUP BY ACC18.AccID, ACC18.AccDate, ACC18.AccNR, ACC18.AccNM, ACC18.varAccNr ORDER BY ACC18.AccNR ASC"
That looks like VBA in Access, if so, you should be asking this question in forum701

Is [blue]that[/blue] what you are trying to do?

SQL2="SELECT ACC18.AccID, ACC18.AccDate, ACC18.AccNR, ACC18.AccNM, ACC18.varAccNr, "&_
"Sum(RCDetails19.DT_V) AS TTrDTV, "&_
"Sum(RCDetails19.CT_W) AS TTrCTW, "&_
"Sum(RCDetails19.CT_W)-Sum(RCDetails19.DT_V) AS SaldoBVD "&_ 
"FROM ACC18 "&_
"LEFT JOIN RCDetails19 ON ACC18.AccNR=RCDetails19.JBAccNR "&_
"WHERE ACC18.AccNR is not null " & _[blue]
" AND RCDetails19.Date <= " & Enddate & _
[/blue]" GROUP BY ACC18.AccID, ACC18.AccDate, ACC18.AccNR, ACC18.AccNM, ACC18.varAccNr " & _

ESIT: Oops, make it once

---- Andy

There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
2x " AND RCDetails19.Date <= " & Enddate & _ ?
OK, is that what you are trying to do with just one of these statements?

---- Andy

There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
Thanks Andrzejek for the working query SQL2.

However, the module (with this modified query) now crashes (immediately) after the query, with the following error :
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bcd'
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

This is the code that follows the query

rs2.Open sql2, Conn


rs2.moveFirst               'the error refers to this code line
Do While Not rs2.EOF

    <%if RekNr = rs2("AccNR") then
      <tr><td align="right">

(The intention is to SUM (from tables A+B) only the records with fields like (ACC18.AccNR=RCDetails19.JBAccNR) AND with the correct date field restriction)

Thanks for help.
Your sql2 returns no records.
You can see it by:

[blue]Debug.Print sql2[/blue]
rs2.Open sql2, Conn

If Not rs2.EOF Then[/blue]
    rs2.moveFirst    [blue]
End If[/blue]

---- Andy

There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
Result of the (complete) code =from 'Debug.' until 'End if'

1. without the time filter " AND RCDetails19.Date <= " &Enddate & _ (in sql2)
=> no errormessges
=> the programmodule displays the account totals from the complete tables A and B (=OK)

2. with " AND RCDetails19.Date <= " &Enddate & _
=> errormessage :
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Print'

=> if Debug.Print sql2 is 'deleted'
no errormessage but also no account total (=nothing) displayed

Should the problem be searched in the time filter or elsewhere.
Thanks for tips

This forum is for SQL Server data base, but your code looks to me like a VBA in Access. Is that correct? Is that a VBA code from Access?

---- Andy

There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
Indeed an access database and asp code.
Sorry - do I have to change the forum?
Next time you start a new question, post in the other more appropriate forum. This way, people with right knowledge would be able to help you.

---- Andy

There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
I think there is a problem with the time filter because the combination 1 does not work.

1. Enddate=cdate(#2019/01/31#)
" AND RCDetails19.Date <= " &Enddate & _ (in sql2)
=> no errormessges but also no account total (=nothing) displayed from the tables A and B

2. " AND [RCDetails19.Datum] <= cdate(#2019/01/31#) "&_
=> the programmodule displays the account totals from the tables A and B filtered on 2019/01/31 (=OK)

What could be wrong with the combination of the variable Enddate=cdate(#2019/01/31#) and the time filter " AND RCDetails19.Date <= " &Enddate & _ ?
Thanks for tips.
You need to display and see what you have in [blue][tt]sql2[/tt][/blue] in order to know if you have a valid Select statement or not. Either in a MessageBox, of in the Immediate Window, or any other way.

And also we don't know how the [tt]Enddate[/tt] is defined... As String? As Date? [ponder]

---- Andy

There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
This test




gives as answers : TrueTrueTrueFalse

Is that a sufficient date check for this queryproblem?
I would do:


And see if the outcome makes sense and if it is Select that gives you want you need.

---- Andy

There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
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