I have this weird problem... i'm trying to increment a value by 1 using the following query, but it increments the value by 2??
for example if the value in column open is 5, i want it to increment by 1 so the value becomes 6, then 7, and so on....
but instead it increments by 2 making the value 5 turn to 7, then 9, then 11, and so on
i've googled this and i can't find any faults with the query so now i'm really scratching my head???
for example if the value in column open is 5, i want it to increment by 1 so the value becomes 6, then 7, and so on....
but instead it increments by 2 making the value 5 turn to 7, then 9, then 11, and so on
i've googled this and i can't find any faults with the query so now i'm really scratching my head???
UPDATE 04_article_tracker
SET open = open + 1
WHERE unique_id0 = '$article_id'