I found code on the internet for "Selecting multiple items from a drop down list" in Excel. I have never used VBA, but am proffecient on a computer and in MS Office. How do I implement this code to make it work?
Open Excel
Press Alt & F11
Paste in the code
press F8 (this will 'step' the code through line by line each time you press F8, and you can follow the code operation).
be carefull of what code you do this with as if it's malicious, it may cause you some bother.
you may be better off recording a macro and looking at the code it generate first.
good luck.
Never knock on Death's door: ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!
Thanks, I've already gotten in to VBA, I'm on Excel '07. I have also already pasted the code into a module and the sheet i want it on. Nothing. I have never used VBA before so I am completely lost. How do I record a macro?
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