I've written a macro that does some modifications to the currently selected Ethernet Shape. In my code, I first ensure that the selected item actually IS an Ethernet Shape. I do this by looking at the shapeObj.NAME property, which should look like "Ethernet.n".
My macro just hiccupped! I have a large LAN diagram with several Ethernet shapes on it, and two of these shapes report a NAME property of "Sheet.n" instead of "Ethernet.n". Bug in Visio 2000? Don't know, don't care. What I do care about is a 100% reliable of method of determining if my selected shape is an Ethernet shape?
NOTE: there is a PARENT property, but this returns PAGE-1, not the name of the master Ethernet shape -too bad.
-with thanks
I've written a macro that does some modifications to the currently selected Ethernet Shape. In my code, I first ensure that the selected item actually IS an Ethernet Shape. I do this by looking at the shapeObj.NAME property, which should look like "Ethernet.n".
My macro just hiccupped! I have a large LAN diagram with several Ethernet shapes on it, and two of these shapes report a NAME property of "Sheet.n" instead of "Ethernet.n". Bug in Visio 2000? Don't know, don't care. What I do care about is a 100% reliable of method of determining if my selected shape is an Ethernet shape?
NOTE: there is a PARENT property, but this returns PAGE-1, not the name of the master Ethernet shape -too bad.
-with thanks