i want to highlight an entire row or column in a different colour in a datasheet form i can highlight the a cell in any colour but not the row/column any ideas anyone??
p.s. i'm not very technical so be gentle please thanks in advance
Welcome to the millions who would like do exactly the same thing. However, it is not possible to do so in datasheet view. Dev Ashish has some examples of possible ways to do so for continuous forms on his website:
If you don't already have it: Access 2000! Conditionnal Formatting!
For columns:
Select your field in design view, Select Format-Conditionnal Formatting, set a "condition", be it even an impossible one <-trick ;-) pick a color, and in continuous or datasheet view you will have the results you desire.
For rows, as above, but base all your fields color change on some realistic condition relevant to that unique record. Gord
I don't use 2000 much at all (haven't found much use for it myself), that is a feature I was unaware of, thanks for the tip. Jim Lunde
Custom Application Development
Not at all Jim! Not promoting, only taunting you to reconsider 2000 (* or soon XP! ;-) ) : Besides the 4 digit year formatting option, conditionnal formatting, Semi "Speed Ferret" AutoCorrect feature, GUID (globally unique ID numbers)Unicode and 2Gb max size (well, that last one is no real gain 'cause of unicode) not to mention data Access pages! and I'm just starting! I'm actually very surprised to hear of the number of people who still use 97. The first reason for my upgrading? Conditionnal formatting! Client required it and well, it's built in! Gord
I'll back up ol' ghubby on that one. 2000 is cool. All sorts of nice, intuitive features. Burn your 97 and run down to your nearest Microsoft stockist now!
Mr Gates may be a bit of a starfish trooper but he's given us a good 'un with 2000.
Not a fan of the new icons though. Pretty pooey if you ask me.
Thanks for the heads-up on conditional formatting! One question though: I have a button on a form that opens a popup form for related information. I would like to make the font color on the button RED if data exists on the popup. It looks like conditional formatting cannot be applied to a button though. Is this true?
If Not IsNull(Forms![NameOfPopUp]! [NameOfSomeFieldWithDataOnPopUp]) Or Forms![NameOfPopUp]! [NameOfSomeFieldWithDataOnPopUp]= "" Then
Me![NameOfCommand].forecolor = vbred
Me![NameOfCommand].forecolor = vbblack
end if
You'd apply this after the line that says DoCmd.openform...
How much time do you actually spend playing with colors?
Thanks for another fine tip. Got me thinking of ways to tweak forms to make them more interesting to users (or at least more interesting for me). Gotta love them bells and whistles.
Now if you could just figure out how to change a command button's back color . . . .
I like to set the Command Button's Trasparent property to Yes and lay it over a Label. Same result, but you still get to SetFocus and include as a Tab Stop.
Boxhead! A Hotmail or similar account! They're free! You will need that home email soon 'cause the job doesn't end here at 5pm... Actually, it never ends! Gord
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