This is the most asked question in the forum. Do a little searching and you will find tons of posts. The simple answer is: you can make it difficult, but not impossible.
Here here, rycamor -- You can NOT make it impossible. If someone wants that source code, then can get it.
And let me add a thought... most 'average users' could give two flips about the source code of a web page. Anyone who does give two flips about the source code is very likely to know the tricks it takes to get around any feeble attempts to hide it.
It seems like an exercise in futility to even try. If you want to write something that ppl can't see the source code for, use something like Active Server Pages or some other type of client side script.
That's what I meant: you can make it difficult to read the source code, but not impossible. I thought I was using plain English ;-). Read my other posts on the topic.
I get it! (lol) It's a very funny thing in English (I'm a former Lit major): "Hear, hear!" usually means you are applauding someone, but "Here, here" usually means you are chiding someone (it's an older expression). We have such a crazy language., I'm glad we got that cleared up.
There's an excellent book called "Mother Tongue", which documents some hilarious misunderstandings through history with this sort of stuff.
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