I have created a simple report that shows a bank account statement. I have my selected columns appearing correctly as in Payee, Transdate, etc but I also have two columns called Debits and Credits. If the transaction is a debit it appears in the debit column and the same for credits. My problem is probably very easy but can't figure it out. I am trying to create a total for each of the columns; a total for credits and a total for debits. I have it sorting by months then days which is working well but wanted to show the total for each debit and credit by month. I tried placing totals in the group footer(by month) but I just can't figure out what to do here. My credits and debits are appearing properly as they should in their columns with my =IIf statements; just can't get those totals to appear.
Email: markanas333@hotmail.com
Email: markanas333@hotmail.com