I'm trying (and failing) to find a way of scripting access directly to the 'General' tab of 'Local Area Connections' properties, i.e. without having to go through the 'Control Panel > Network Connections' route then right-clicking on 'Local Area Connection' then choosing the 'Properties' button.
I've tried using the following command:
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL ncpa.cpl,,1
(found on VBNet) but this still only gets me to the 'Local Area Connection'.
Does anyone know of a way?
I'm trying (and failing) to find a way of scripting access directly to the 'General' tab of 'Local Area Connections' properties, i.e. without having to go through the 'Control Panel > Network Connections' route then right-clicking on 'Local Area Connection' then choosing the 'Properties' button.
I've tried using the following command:
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL ncpa.cpl,,1
(found on VBNet) but this still only gets me to the 'Local Area Connection'.
Does anyone know of a way?