Hi all
I purely have no idea where i go wrong. I'm trying to get the datas (such as CHEVSINSMZ 100,CHEVSINSMZ 100, CHEVSINSMZ 101, CHEVSINSMZ 102, etc) from the table (.dbf) display and then trim into "CHEVSINSMZ 100 & 101 & 102 itself.
tnfjob is the name of the table. Jt_hblno is an attribute of the table (.dbf)in the form. It is like something that originally contains CHEVSINSMZ 100,CHEVSINSMZ 100, CHEVSINSMZ 101, CHEVSINSMZ 102, etc in the column...
When I tested out the form by calling any job no (in yellow box of JOB NO), all the datas will be displayed. But I have a problem with this part (image displayed below)
I purely have no idea where i go wrong. I'm trying to get the datas (such as CHEVSINSMZ 100,CHEVSINSMZ 100, CHEVSINSMZ 101, CHEVSINSMZ 102, etc) from the table (.dbf) display and then trim into "CHEVSINSMZ 100 & 101 & 102 itself.
![[upsidedown] [upsidedown] [upsidedown]](/data/assets/smilies/upsidedown.gif)
tnfjob is the name of the table. Jt_hblno is an attribute of the table (.dbf)in the form. It is like something that originally contains CHEVSINSMZ 100,CHEVSINSMZ 100, CHEVSINSMZ 101, CHEVSINSMZ 102, etc in the column...
LOCAL InputString, CommaPos, i, SpacePos, PrefixString, BlNo
select j
? select ()
STORE 0 TO CommaPos, i, Counter, SpacePos
xAr[1] = ""
PrefixString = ""
BlNo = ""
InputString= "Jt_hblno" ** <-- Problem with this part
CommaPos = AT(",",InputString)
SpacePos = AT(" ", InputString)
PrefixString = SUBSTR(InputString, 1, SpacePos - 1)
DO WHILE CommaPos > 0
Counter = Counter + 1
BlNo = STRTRAN(SUBSTR(InputString,1, CommaPos-1), PrefixString, "")
IF ASCAN(xAr, BlNo) = 0
i = i + 1
xAr[i] = BlNo
InputString = ALLTRIM(SUBSTR(InputString,CommaPos+1))
CommaPos = AT(",",InputString)
BlNo = STRTRAN(InputString, PrefixString, "")
IF ASCAN(xAr, BlNo) = 0
xAr[i+1] = ALLTRIM(BlNo)
Counter = Counter + 1
OutPutString = "("+ALLTRIM(str(Counter))+") " + PrefixString + " "
FOR j = 1 TO ALEN(xAr)
IF j = 1
OutPutSTring = OutPutSTring + xAr[j]
OutPutSTring = OutPutSTring + " & " + xAr[j]
.xdf_bl.value= OutPutSTring ** Display the information on the form
When I tested out the form by calling any job no (in yellow box of JOB NO), all the datas will be displayed. But I have a problem with this part (image displayed below)