I have a access database called Net.mdb and i am logging in this access database with following Dot Net connectionstring with no problem...
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data
id=SYSTM;Password=tmsa;Jet OLEDB:System
and then i am trying to open a query called vtblDefaultSegment in access database..Code in vtblDefaultSegment is as follows:-
SELECT [IDSegment]
FROM tblTMSGroups
WHERE GroupID=CurrentUser;
The sSQL statement is as follows going to the database...
sSQL = "select * from vtblDefaultSegment"
Calling function OpeniTMSDataset to open the dataset is as follows...
Shared Function OpeniTMSDataset(ByRef rsRecordSet As DataSet, ByVal sSQL As String, ByVal sConnectionString As String, Optional ByVal iOpenOption As Integer = DBConst.tmsDBEdit) As Boolean
Dim objDA As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
objDA = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sSQL, sConnectionString)
objDA = Nothing
OpeniTMSDataset = True
Exit Function
u_errMessage = Err.Description
End Function
So, when i try to fill the DataSet with the record coming from vtblDefaultSegment i get an error message saying "No value given for one or more required parameters"..This message comes at objDA.Fill(rsRecordSet) line...I am thinking its because vtblDefaultSegment needs CurrentUser and i am not passing the CurrentUser from the application...Does anyone know how to pass the CurrentUser to access database...I would greatly appreciate....Thanks
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data
id=SYSTM;Password=tmsa;Jet OLEDB:System
and then i am trying to open a query called vtblDefaultSegment in access database..Code in vtblDefaultSegment is as follows:-
SELECT [IDSegment]
FROM tblTMSGroups
WHERE GroupID=CurrentUser;
The sSQL statement is as follows going to the database...
sSQL = "select * from vtblDefaultSegment"
Calling function OpeniTMSDataset to open the dataset is as follows...
Shared Function OpeniTMSDataset(ByRef rsRecordSet As DataSet, ByVal sSQL As String, ByVal sConnectionString As String, Optional ByVal iOpenOption As Integer = DBConst.tmsDBEdit) As Boolean
Dim objDA As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
objDA = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sSQL, sConnectionString)
objDA = Nothing
OpeniTMSDataset = True
Exit Function
u_errMessage = Err.Description
End Function
So, when i try to fill the DataSet with the record coming from vtblDefaultSegment i get an error message saying "No value given for one or more required parameters"..This message comes at objDA.Fill(rsRecordSet) line...I am thinking its because vtblDefaultSegment needs CurrentUser and i am not passing the CurrentUser from the application...Does anyone know how to pass the CurrentUser to access database...I would greatly appreciate....Thanks