For reference, the site containing the link to the aforementioned full-screen-popup is, .Please feel free to play around with the script.
On this site, I have a link which opens a full-screen-popup. I want to hide the scroll-bar, and although I have set it to 'hide', (0) or (no) in the window 'options' it still displays with a scrollbar however, every other option still works.
The options are as follows,
<a href="#" onClick="launchwin('newbord.htm','main','width='+(screen.width - 10)+',height='+(screen.height - 30)+',screenX=0,screenY=0,directories=0,fullscreen=1,location=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,toolbar=0')">
Please help me in finding a way to disable (hide) the scrollbar on the page.
Any help give is much appreciated.
Digital Pencil, 15, UK.
On this site, I have a link which opens a full-screen-popup. I want to hide the scroll-bar, and although I have set it to 'hide', (0) or (no) in the window 'options' it still displays with a scrollbar however, every other option still works.
The options are as follows,
<a href="#" onClick="launchwin('newbord.htm','main','width='+(screen.width - 10)+',height='+(screen.height - 30)+',screenX=0,screenY=0,directories=0,fullscreen=1,location=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,toolbar=0')">
Please help me in finding a way to disable (hide) the scrollbar on the page.
Any help give is much appreciated.
Digital Pencil, 15, UK.