I have a swf with 4 scenes (just for test). in scene 1 is a circle, in scene 2 are 2 circles, in scene 3 are 3 circles and in scene 4 are 4 circles and one MC. In this MC I have a button. What is the action script that I have to put on this button in order to go in scene 4 frame 2 (for example).
I tryed telltarget:
on (release) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Scene 4", 1);
on (release) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
and other many variants but always this action send me to scene 1 frame 1.
I want scene 4 frame x, not scene 1 frame 1
I tryed telltarget:
on (release) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Scene 4", 1);
on (release) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
and other many variants but always this action send me to scene 1 frame 1.
I want scene 4 frame x, not scene 1 frame 1