hi web site designers,
I've built this little web site for my father's business
but we are not getting any hits.
I thought I did a good job of choosing good meta names.
The little web-hosting service assures me they have registered the site with google plus 2 unknown search engines.... 2 months ago.
Should I go ahead and pay to have my site registered with Yahoo or another good search engine?
Just looking for advice and suggestions. Thanks for any feedback. John
<meta name="Keywords" content="trucking safety consultant, trucking, driver safety training, simulated DOT audit, DOT compliance, commercial vehicle safety, trucks, truck safety, accident prevention, safe driving practices, insurance, loss-control consultant, loss control representative for insurance firms, risk evaluation, risk control, risk control services, loss control survey, on-site loss control survey, loss control engineer for commercial vehicles, commercial vehicles, surveys to prevent losses for commercial vehicles, Lone Star, Johnny Bates, Ft. Worth, Fort Worth, Texas">
<meta name="Description" content="We help trucking firms reduce their insurance costs by conducting on-site safety audits and implementing affordable safety programs.">
I've built this little web site for my father's business
but we are not getting any hits.
I thought I did a good job of choosing good meta names.
The little web-hosting service assures me they have registered the site with google plus 2 unknown search engines.... 2 months ago.
Should I go ahead and pay to have my site registered with Yahoo or another good search engine?
Just looking for advice and suggestions. Thanks for any feedback. John
<meta name="Keywords" content="trucking safety consultant, trucking, driver safety training, simulated DOT audit, DOT compliance, commercial vehicle safety, trucks, truck safety, accident prevention, safe driving practices, insurance, loss-control consultant, loss control representative for insurance firms, risk evaluation, risk control, risk control services, loss control survey, on-site loss control survey, loss control engineer for commercial vehicles, commercial vehicles, surveys to prevent losses for commercial vehicles, Lone Star, Johnny Bates, Ft. Worth, Fort Worth, Texas">
<meta name="Description" content="We help trucking firms reduce their insurance costs by conducting on-site safety audits and implementing affordable safety programs.">