I am running Netware6 with sp3 and installed iManage 1.5.1 and when trying to run : i get : impossible to display the page from my Browser (Internet explorer 6).My workstation is running xp with sp1.
I did all the necessary checks mentioned in TID 10077480 i found in support Novell Knowledgebase but still have the same problem.
stopped and started Apache and tomcat33. same result.
Imanage won't come also througt Webnager.
Any kind of idea or advice ?
I did all the necessary checks mentioned in TID 10077480 i found in support Novell Knowledgebase but still have the same problem.
stopped and started Apache and tomcat33. same result.
Imanage won't come also througt Webnager.
Any kind of idea or advice ?