Hello All:
I have an ActiveX control application using ATL to get the current opened browser html document using IWebBrowser2::get_Document(IDispatch **ppDisp), then use IHTMLElement, IHTMLBodyElement,
IHTMLTxtRange::findText to find search item, search the keyword(s) and do highlighting and un-highlighting. The document gets corrupted afterwards. Some html tags will left uncleaned and document growing. But the source from browser View->Source is fine. Is it possible to get that copy? Or is there a way to keep a clean copy?
Thank you for your help
I have an ActiveX control application using ATL to get the current opened browser html document using IWebBrowser2::get_Document(IDispatch **ppDisp), then use IHTMLElement, IHTMLBodyElement,
IHTMLTxtRange::findText to find search item, search the keyword(s) and do highlighting and un-highlighting. The document gets corrupted afterwards. Some html tags will left uncleaned and document growing. But the source from browser View->Source is fine. Is it possible to get that copy? Or is there a way to keep a clean copy?
Thank you for your help