May 15, 2013 #1 Aximboy Technical User Aug 3, 2003 63 US Hello! As the title said, I need help on how to get the first and last word from a field. For example, a field contains a contact name "Mr. John Lennon". From a textbox, how to I make it show "Mr. Lennon" only? Thanks in advance.
Hello! As the title said, I need help on how to get the first and last word from a field. For example, a field contains a contact name "Mr. John Lennon". From a textbox, how to I make it show "Mr. Lennon" only? Thanks in advance.
May 15, 2013 1 #2 S SkipVought Programmer Dec 4, 2001 47,487 US hi Code: dim a a = split([YourField], " ") Txtbx.Text = a(0) & " " & a(ubound(a)) Skip, Just traded in my old subtlety... for a NUANCE! Upvote 0 Downvote
hi Code: dim a a = split([YourField], " ") Txtbx.Text = a(0) & " " & a(ubound(a)) Skip, Just traded in my old subtlety... for a NUANCE!
May 16, 2013 Thread starter #3 Aximboy Technical User Aug 3, 2003 63 US IT WORKED!!! You are awesome! Thank you very much!!! Upvote 0 Downvote