Pardon me is these are stupid questions.
I'm not sure I'm asking them correctly.
I have an ASP webpage running internally on Windows 2k with IIS generating automatic emails with CDONTS. This machine is connected to a Novell network running GW6 behind a firewall.
I can't send emails directly out to a SMTP host. GW6 can send out emails. Is there a way to get emails from my NT box into the GW system so GW can send them out?
Did this make any sense or was it gibberish.
I know very little about Novell.
I'm not sure I'm asking them correctly.
I have an ASP webpage running internally on Windows 2k with IIS generating automatic emails with CDONTS. This machine is connected to a Novell network running GW6 behind a firewall.
I can't send emails directly out to a SMTP host. GW6 can send out emails. Is there a way to get emails from my NT box into the GW system so GW can send them out?
Did this make any sense or was it gibberish.
I know very little about Novell.