I'm having a problem updating the storage.memo field with the contents of Forms![Storage Data Entry]!TxtMemo) because of special chars within it (i.e. ##, ' + *, etc.) Please help me solve this issue.
If .TxtPurse.Value > Me.TxtPrior Then
strMemo = "-" & Now() & " Increased pocket from $" & .TxtPrior.Value & " to " _
& .TxtPurse.Value & vbCrLf & Nz(Trim(Forms![Storage Data Entry]!TxtMemo), " ")
strMemo = "-" & Now() & " Decreased pocket from $" & .TxtPrior.Value & " to " _
& .TxtPurse.Value & vbCrLf & Nz(Trim(Forms![Storage Data Entry]!TxtMemo), " ")
'Replace(strMemo, "'", "''")
End If
adoconnection.Execute "UPDATE storage SET purse = " & .TxtPurse.Value _
& ", storage.memo = '" & strMemo & "' WHERE Trim(unitnum) = '" & Trim(.TxtUNITNUM.Value) & "';", , 129
If .TxtPurse.Value > Me.TxtPrior Then
strMemo = "-" & Now() & " Increased pocket from $" & .TxtPrior.Value & " to " _
& .TxtPurse.Value & vbCrLf & Nz(Trim(Forms![Storage Data Entry]!TxtMemo), " ")
strMemo = "-" & Now() & " Decreased pocket from $" & .TxtPrior.Value & " to " _
& .TxtPurse.Value & vbCrLf & Nz(Trim(Forms![Storage Data Entry]!TxtMemo), " ")
'Replace(strMemo, "'", "''")
End If
adoconnection.Execute "UPDATE storage SET purse = " & .TxtPurse.Value _
& ", storage.memo = '" & strMemo & "' WHERE Trim(unitnum) = '" & Trim(.TxtUNITNUM.Value) & "';", , 129