Ok, this is my first post on this forum. I have searched high and low but I am unable to get these 2 codes to play nice together. I have 2 access DBs. one VBA code on one that works really nice, and 1 VBA code on the other that works really nice. So on the first one, here is the VBA code
What this code does is allows me to view all the records on a report from the previous month. I only need it to be available on the 1st of every month, no other days during the month. So this works really well for that.
Then on my other DB I have this code that puts blank boxes on the report. Basically making the report look like the paper copy of the document. Well I was going to upload a basic copy of the DB with just the pertinent code, but I will just attach the code here.
Okay, I have a dummy table with just 1 field for ID. Then I have my data table with all of my fields on it. In this case it is 7. Nothing special about the tables at this point. Then I have a a form for data input, but it is irrelevant for what I need here. Then I have a report with this code in it
Finally I have a module with this code in it
I have been going around and around for several days trying any and every solution I can find to make this work but no matter what I try to solve this issue, it all seems to simply fall apart. I hope someone here has an idea or a solution that will work.
Private Sub Report_Load()
'filter the records only on the first day
Dim dtBeg As Variant, dtEnd As Variant
dtEnd = DateValue(Now)
If Day(dtEnd) = 1 Then
dtBeg = DateSerial(Year(dtEnd), Month(dtEnd) - 1, 1)
dtEnd = DateSerial(Year(dtBeg), Month(dtBeg) + 1, 0)
dtBeg = DateSerial(Year(dtEnd), Month(dtEnd), 1)
End If
Me.Filter = "[date] Between " & Format$(dtBeg, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & " And " & Format$(dtEnd, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#")
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub
Then on my other DB I have this code that puts blank boxes on the report. Basically making the report look like the paper copy of the document. Well I was going to upload a basic copy of the DB with just the pertinent code, but I will just attach the code here.
Okay, I have a dummy table with just 1 field for ID. Then I have my data table with all of my fields on it. In this case it is 7. Nothing special about the tables at this point. Then I have a a form for data input, but it is irrelevant for what I need here. Then I have a report with this code in it
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Const MAX_LINES = 31
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim iFill As Integer
Dim total_records As Long
Dim sql As String
With CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Me.RecordSource, dbOpenSnapshot)
If Not (.BOF And .EOF) Then
End If
total_records = .RecordCount
End With
If total_records < MAX_LINES Then
iFill = MAX_LINES - total_records
ElseIf total_records > MAX_LINES Then
iFill = total_records Mod MAX_LINES
End If
sql = Trim$(Replace$(Me.RecordSource, ";", ""))
If InStr(1, sql, "SELECT") <> 1 Then
sql = "SELECT * FROM " & sql
End If
If iFill <> 0 Then
sql = sql & " UNION " & fnCreateDummyLineQuery(iFill, "OrderNumber", "StopNumber", "CustomerName", "PONumber", "ItemNumber", "ModelNumber")
Me.RecordSource = sql
End If
End Sub
Finally I have a module with this code in it
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function fnCreateDummyLineQuery( _
ByVal iNumLines As Integer, _
ParamArray extraFields() As Variant) As String
Dim sql As String
Dim i As Integer
sql = "SELECT TOP " & iNumLines & " ID"
For i = 0 To UBound(extraFields)
sql = sql & ", Null As [" & extraFields(i) & "] "
sql = sql & "FROM dummy;"
fnCreateDummyLineQuery = sql
End Function
I have been going around and around for several days trying any and every solution I can find to make this work but no matter what I try to solve this issue, it all seems to simply fall apart. I hope someone here has an idea or a solution that will work.