Hi all!
my code is causing a violation against the MaxLocksPerFile in the registry. I could solve this problem by increasing that value but unfortunately I do not have access to the registry in the environment (Windows NT) where I want to install my program. Therefore I'm trying to find out what causes this problem and how I can prevent it. So far I discovered already that the problem is caused by the following code
dim dbs as database
dim rst as recordset
set dbs = currentdb
set rst = dbs.openrecordset ("A NORMAL SELECT-QUERY"
do until rst.EOF
=> apparentlty the records remain locked after the edit-statement. I didn't have this problem when using Access 95. It seems that Access 2000 has much more features for client-server structures but I'll have to learn how to use them. Therefore I would like to know as what type and what options I have to give to my recordset in order to achieve that each record is un-locked directly after the rst.UPDATE statement. In the help-files I didn't find an answer that solved my problem...:-(
Thanks a lot for your help and a mery Christmas to all!
PS: this thread is related to the one I started in the general forum but I thought that this forum is more appropriate now that I have found out a bit more about the problem. The other thread I'm talking about is thread181-43391
my code is causing a violation against the MaxLocksPerFile in the registry. I could solve this problem by increasing that value but unfortunately I do not have access to the registry in the environment (Windows NT) where I want to install my program. Therefore I'm trying to find out what causes this problem and how I can prevent it. So far I discovered already that the problem is caused by the following code
dim dbs as database
dim rst as recordset
set dbs = currentdb
set rst = dbs.openrecordset ("A NORMAL SELECT-QUERY"
do until rst.EOF
=> apparentlty the records remain locked after the edit-statement. I didn't have this problem when using Access 95. It seems that Access 2000 has much more features for client-server structures but I'll have to learn how to use them. Therefore I would like to know as what type and what options I have to give to my recordset in order to achieve that each record is un-locked directly after the rst.UPDATE statement. In the help-files I didn't find an answer that solved my problem...:-(
Thanks a lot for your help and a mery Christmas to all!
PS: this thread is related to the one I started in the general forum but I thought that this forum is more appropriate now that I have found out a bit more about the problem. The other thread I'm talking about is thread181-43391