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How to find the position of the first bit set to one? 1

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Aug 10, 2001
I think my last post was confusing because I didn't ask the right question.

I have a 64 bit unsigned integer. I want to find the position of the first (or the last) bit set to 1 without a loop.

I'm using this code:

int position(uint64 number){
for(int i=0; i<64; i++)
if ( (((uint64) 0x01) << i) & number)
return i;
return -1; //All the bits are 0

I know that there is a short method to find it using a formula but I have not found it.
there is an assembler tst family instructions
you put your integer in eaxand test

_asm mov yourinteger, eax
_asm tst eax, ebx
retrieve number of bit in ebx.
if you use MicrosoftC++ maybe there could be some other instruction than tst Ion Filipski

just out of curiosity, why dont you want to loop? The loop would be the best way to handle this. There is always recursion (if you dont concider that looping :p)

If you are just looking for the &quot;highest&quot; bit the easy loop is

int shift = 0;


return shift;

If you want the lowest bit set to one the %2 works best

int shift = 0;

while( (value>>shift)%2 ==0)

return shift

Keep in mind that shift is zero based and not one based.

..Ionfilipski, can I make a comment on the assembler approach:
the assembler instruction &quot;test&quot; does an and of the two operands and sets the flags without affecting either operand. As such it's useful for telling you if a particular bit is set (e.g. test ax, 0010000b will tell you if bit 4 is set), but it won't return the position of the set bit. I think the assembler instruction you are thinking of is bscan or something like that - someone else might know). But although it would do the job, it is very, very slow, and might actually not be an improvement on a loop! I haven't timed it. Has anyone out there??
>> Has anyone out there??

yeah that was my current assignment LOL

seriously though i am finding this (and the duplicate ) thread interesting... please continue

i still am not 100% sure of the question. locating the &quot;most significant on bit&quot;, yes?

-There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't-

As said before log2x will get you the highest bit

int main()
int x;

while ( x != 0 )

cout << &quot;Enter number: &quot;;
cin >> x;

cout << &quot;Greatest bit used for &quot; << x << &quot; is bit: &quot;
<< ceil( log( x ) / log( 2 ) + .00000001 ) << '\n' << endl;
// + .00000001 because of computer approximation inaccuracies

return 0;
yes, I was thinking about logs on the way in to work this morning. I like it, it's nice, but remember that the original desire was to find this bit with as little looping as possible. There will undoubtedly be a loop involved in finding log-base-2, and probably more than is strictly necessary since the function will try to return an accurate log, and you only need the integer part. I suspect that the log method will be reliable, simple to understand, but not particularly fast. But again I'm just guessing.
I was under the impression that the questioner was looking for a way to find the bit without using loops in his code (even if there are loops in the background). I suspect you're right about the log() functions being slower.
No Loops?

a series of tests like this isn't a loop...

(MyInt & 0x80 ? 7 : (MyInt & 0x40 ? 6 : (MyInt & 0x20 : 5))) ...

but it might as well be.

Let's face it, even when you get down to assembly language, it's going to be a loop, or a series of tests like above.
Yes, I agree, but in the spirit of things it'd be nice to keep the loops down as far as possible. In the other thread about this question someone suggested doing a binary search rather than an ordered search for the bit. Might be a good idea, particularly with very long numbers (questioner is asking for 128 bits, which is quite a lot).
Actually back in the days before processors could guess which way a jump went, it made quite a lot of sense to unroll loops and write out a series of tests as individual instructions.
I'm still plugging look-up tables, because dividing the number of loops by 8 at the cost of 256 bytes of memory strikes me as a good bargain!
Of course there is a lot of educational value in realising that the result is just a rounded log-base-2 and it'd have been a great pity if no one had pointed that out - thanks!
or another compromise solution might be to divide the larger bit strings up into 'word-sized' chunks, and test each chunk for zero before checking for bits. I posted a similar solution in the other thread.

And, yes, I agree, whenever possible lookup-tables rule.

But the log technique, while terse, undoubtedly involves a great deal of internal calculation, even with a math co-processor.
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