Technical User
I've been all through the Help files and this forum. I have been writing Aspect scripts for about 2 years but now I am stumped!
1. I want my script to check if a capture file is already on before I turn one on. But I can't figure out how.
My Rambling:
2. If I start Procomm, and immediately hit the capture button to turn on a capture file. It makes a pw01.cap. But if I run the following script, it show's [NONE]. I thought that it should show pw01.cap. Even if I uncomment "capture on", it creates "pw01.cap" but still shows [NONE]. Shouldn't it show "pw01.cap"? After I turn capture off and run this, it shows "test.txt", shouldn't it show [NONE].
It's driving me nuts.
# START of SCRIPT #######
string szFileName
proc main
; set capture file "test.txt"
; capture on
fetch capture file szFileName
statmsg "Capture file is: %s" szFileName