I currently use the below script to modify a file, but I have to find a string starting in postion 37, like "19012", and delete that row, and continue with the rest of the script.
How do I NOT print that row out?
1==NR { print; next }
NR>2 { print fix(line) }
{line = $0}
END { print line }
function fix( s )
{ if (" "==substr(s,col,1) )
s = substr(s,1,col-1) "3" substr(s,col+1)
return s
How do I NOT print that row out?
1==NR { print; next }
NR>2 { print fix(line) }
{line = $0}
END { print line }
function fix( s )
{ if (" "==substr(s,col,1) )
s = substr(s,1,col-1) "3" substr(s,col+1)
return s