Just learning macros, the ApplyFilter Expression Builder only allows a certain amount of characters to be entered to detail what you need to have filtered, or in this case, filtered out. My problem is this: I have to filter out 88 different catagories in a field. The field now has 200+ different catagories. My goal is to have those remaining 122+ catagories available in a report. When I create a macro using "<>" or "Not Like" in the Builder, I run out of room and have to end that expression. If I try to apply another filter to continue afterwards, it filters out only the new information, but the previous catagories that I needed filtered out in the first Expression, return. How do I filter out 88 different catagories in a query's field using a macro? Can it be done? If not, is Visual Basic the way to go? And not knowing too much about Visual Basic, how do you do it? Please help.