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How to fill and store checked items of listbox of style checkbox

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Aug 30, 2004
Hi all,
I want help to store the checked items in a listbox of style checkbox, as it is because of multiple selection.
and how to fill all the checked items in that list.
I am using Vb6 and access database.
I am not sure what you mean, but I think that you should look into the .selected property. By looping through the list you can determine which items have been selected.

hi the problem is i am trying to store the data into one table from category list box of style checkbox which allows multiple selection. so how i can read and store the checked items into table and when displaying also how i can check the listbox items.
Make that "as long as you don't have more than *94* items in the list".

thanks Vampire i will try and see hot it works.
but the thing is i am allowing the user to enter the categories as many as he wants. and then i am filling the listbox from the catagories table. What do u think of it.
If they add more items to the list, it won't restore any previously saved data accurately ( because it saves based on list position, not the actual item ). If they add the items and then re-save the status, then it should be OK. It also depends on if you are adding items in the middle of the list or at the end, or if sorting is turned on in the list.

I created a Class module for processing all of the selected items found in a ListBox, which we use in a Crystal Reporting application where clients select values such as company codes for reporting purposes. You may be able to use this Class module for what you are trying to do with the checked items in your ListBox. Good Luck!

'Class:     clsGetSelLBItem (clsGetSelLBItem.cls)
'Date:      11/21/2002      Revised:
'Language:  Visual Basic 6.0, Enterprise Edition
'Class module wrapper around a procedure and
'function for detecting all selected items in a
'ListBox using an API call.
'The FindSelectedListBoxItems procedure creates an
'array with the indexes of all selected items in
'the ListBox.
'The GetSelectedListBoxItems function returns the
'array built by FindSelectedListBoxItems.
'The logic found here is based on an article titled
'"A faster way to detect selected items in a ListBox"
'and written by Kim Pedersen (dated 04/08/2000).
'According to the article, looping thru all items in
'the ListBox and checking the Selected property is
'not efficient when dealing with many items.  The
'ListBox class provides an LB_GETSELITEMS API message
'that fills an array with the indexes of all selected
'items, which is faster.  The complete article can be
'found at:
'[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.vbcodemagician.dk/tips/wincontrol_listboxgetsel.htm[/URL]
'   The selected items index array always gets
'   redimensioned to 0 at the start of processing.
'   This helps to prevent any errors in the calling
'   program.  The drawback, however, is the array
'   contains an "index" of zero, which corresponds
'   to the first item in the ListBox.  Therefore,
'   it is possible for the calling program to think
'   that item was selected.  If the calling program
'   checks the error codes (or IsArrayEmpty) this
'   situation will be avoided.
'Usage: (basic processing steps)
'1. Define an object for clsGetSelLBItem.
'2. Call FindSelectedListBoxItems using a ListBox control.
'3. Check for any errors (ErrorCode) and/or selected
'   item count (SelectedCount) as a result of the find
'   processing.
'4. Define a work array to hold the selected items index
'   array built by FindSelectedListBoxItems.
'5. Retrieve the selected items index array.
'6. Check for any errors (ErrorCode) and/or an empty
'   array (IsArrayEmpty = "Y") as a result of the
'   retrieval processing.
'7. Process the selected item array using it's indexes
'   to reference only the selected items in the ListBox
'   that was originally passed to FindSelectedListBoxItems.
'8. Destroy the object.
' Syntax: (sample only)
'' Define object for detecting all selected items.
'Dim objSelItems As clsGetSelLBItem
'Set objSelItems = New clsGetSelLBItem
'' Build array with the indexes of all selected items.
'Call objSelItems.FindSelectedListBoxItems(lstListBox)
'' Check for any errors here...
'txtError.Text = objSelItems.ErrorCode & " " & _
'    objSelItems.ErrorType & " " & _
'    objSelItems.ErrorDesc
'' Retrieve the selected item index array.
'Dim lngSelectedArray() As Long
'Dim objItem As Variant
'lngSelectedArray = objSelItems.GetSelectedListBoxItems
'' Check for any errors here...
''If objSelItems.IsArrayEmpty = "Y" - nothing to process
'txtSelError.Text = objSelItems.ErrorCode & " " & _
'    objSelItems.ErrorType & " " & _
'    objSelItems.ErrorDesc
'' Process the selected item index array.
'For Each objItem In lngSelectedArray
'' selected item logic here...e.g. load a 2nd
'' ListBox with only selected items from the 1st
'     lstSecondLB.AddItem lstFirstLB.List(CInt(objItem))
'Set objSelItems = Nothing  'free memory
'          R e v i s i o n   H i s t o r y
'SDR / Ticket       Date        Analyst
Option Explicit
    ' Declarations required for detecting all selected
    ' items in a ListBox.
    Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _
       (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _
       lParam As Any) As Long
    Private Const LB_GETSELITEMS = &H191
    Private malngSelItems() As Long
    Private mlngSelectedCount As Long

    ' Define error variables.
    Public Enum enuGetSelLBItemErrors
        gslbiNoErrorsFound = 0
        gslbiInvalidControl = vbObjectError + 2200
        gslbiNoSelectedItems = vbObjectError + 2210
        gslbiEmptyListBox = vbObjectError + 2220
        gslbiArrayEmpty = vbObjectError + 2230
    End Enum
    Private Const FATAL_ERROR As String = "E"
    Private Const WARNING_ERROR As String = "W"
    Private Const INVALID_CONTROL As String = "Control passed is not a ListBox."
    Private Const NO_SELECTED_ITEMS As String = "No items selected in ListBox."
    Private Const EMPTY_LISTBOX As String = "ListBox is empty."
    Private Const ARRAY_EMPTY As String = "Selected item index array is empty."
    Private mstrErrorCode As enuGetSelLBItemErrors
    Private mstrErrorType As String
    Private mstrErrorDesc As String
    Private mstrIsArrayEmpty As String
' Read the number of selected items.
Public Property Get SelectedCount() As Long
    SelectedCount = mlngSelectedCount
End Property
' Read the switch indicating whether or not the array
' of selected indexes is empty.  A value of "Y" means
' the array IS empty, "N" means it is NOT empty.
Public Property Get IsArrayEmpty() As String
    IsArrayEmpty = mstrIsArrayEmpty
End Property
' Read the Error Code.
Public Property Get ErrorCode() As enuGetSelLBItemErrors
    ErrorCode = mstrErrorCode
End Property
' Read the Error Type (E = error, W = warning only).
Public Property Get ErrorType() As String
    ErrorType = mstrErrorType
End Property
' Read the Error Description.
Public Property Get ErrorDesc() As String
    ErrorDesc = mstrErrorDesc
End Property
'Procedure:  FindSelectedListBoxItems()
'Date:       11/21/2002   Revised:
'Language:   Visual Basic 6.0, Enterprise Edition
'Purpose:    Find all selected ListBox items via an
'            API call and write their indexes to an
'            array for further processing.
'Inputs:     ListBox control.
'Output:     Array of selected item indexes.
'There are several edit checks performed prior to
'searching for selected items (see the comments
'below for a description of these edits).  If there
'is an error during the edits, an error code, type
'and description are generated.  These are placed
'into the following error properties:
'  Error Code = number identifying the error
'  Error Type = type of error, i.e. E=error, W=warning
'  Error Desc = description of the error.
'The calling routine can then respond to this error,
'if necessary.
' Call objSelItems.FindSelectedListBoxItems(ListBox)
' Note: See comments at top of Class Module for more
' details.
Public Sub FindSelectedListBoxItems( _
    ByVal lstListBox As Control)

On Error GoTo FindSelLBItemError

    ' Clear all results.
    mstrErrorCode = gslbiNoErrorsFound
    mstrErrorType = ""
    mstrErrorDesc = ""
    mstrIsArrayEmpty = "Y"  'selected index array empty
    mlngSelectedCount = 0
    ReDim malngSelItems(0)  'prevents an error in the
                            'calling program if any of
                            'the edits fail
    ' Make sure the control passed is a ListBox.
    If Not TypeOf lstListBox Is Listbox Then
        mstrErrorCode = gslbiInvalidControl
        mstrErrorType = FATAL_ERROR
        mstrErrorDesc = INVALID_CONTROL
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Make sure the ListBox is not empty.
    If lstListBox.ListCount <= 0 Then
        mstrErrorCode = gslbiEmptyListBox
        mstrErrorType = WARNING_ERROR
        mstrErrorDesc = EMPTY_LISTBOX
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Make sure an item(s) was selected.
    If lstListBox.SelCount <= 0 Then
        mstrErrorCode = gslbiNoSelectedItems
        mstrErrorType = WARNING_ERROR
        mstrErrorDesc = NO_SELECTED_ITEMS
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' All edits passed, start loading array with indexes
    ' of all selected ListBox items via API call.

    ' The LB_GETSELITEMS is passed to the ListBox
    ' using SendMessage. To work LB_GETSELITEMS
    ' requires two additional parameters: A pointer
    ' to the array that will hold all indexes of
    ' selected items (lParam) and a parameter holding
    ' the number of selected items.

    ' First get the number of selected items.
    mlngSelectedCount = lstListBox.SelCount
    ' Redimension the Array so that it can hold index
    ' values of all selected items.
    ReDim malngSelItems(mlngSelectedCount - 1)
    ' Now fill the array with the index values of all
    ' selected items. The pointer to the array is the
    ' first array element.
    SendMessage lstListBox.hwnd, LB_GETSELITEMS, _
        ByVal mlngSelectedCount, malngSelItems(0)

    mstrIsArrayEmpty = "N"  'selected index array loaded
    Exit Sub

    ' Unknown error condition.
    mstrErrorCode = Err.Number
    mstrErrorType = FATAL_ERROR
    mstrErrorDesc = Err.Description
    Resume FindSelLBItemExit

End Sub
'Function:  GetSelectedListBoxItems()
'Date:      11/21/2002   Revised:
'Language:  Visual Basic 6.0, Enterprise Edition
'Purpose:   Return an array containing the indexes of
'           all selected ListBox items, which were
'           previously loaded by FindSelectedListBoxItems.
'Inputs:    None.
'Output:    None.
'There are several edit checks performed prior to
'returning the array (see the comments below for a
'description of these edits).  If there is an error
'during the edits, an error code, type and description
'are generated.  These are placed into the following
'error properties:
'  Error Code = number identifying the error
'  Error Type = type of error, i.e. E=error, W=warning
'  Error Desc = description of the error.
'The calling routine can then respond to this error,
'if necessary.
' varArray = objFind.GetSelectedListBoxItems
' Note: See comments at top of Class Module for more
' details.
Public Function GetSelectedListBoxItems() As Variant

On Error GoTo GetSelLBItemError

    ' Clear error info.
    mstrErrorCode = gslbiNoErrorsFound
    mstrErrorType = ""
    mstrErrorDesc = ""

    ' Make sure the selected item indexes array
    ' has been previously loaded.
    If mstrIsArrayEmpty = "Y" Then
        mstrErrorCode = gslbiArrayEmpty
        mstrErrorType = FATAL_ERROR
        mstrErrorDesc = ARRAY_EMPTY
        ReDim malngSelItems(0)  'prevents an error in
                                'the calling program
    End If

    GetSelectedListBoxItems = malngSelItems
    Exit Function

    ' Unknown error condition.
    mstrErrorCode = Err.Number
    mstrErrorType = FATAL_ERROR
    mstrErrorDesc = Err.Description
    Resume GetSelLBItemExit

End Function
thanks rich i will try with this class file and check.

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