hello,i m trying the following code to expire the page as after open by the user. As cannot visit the page by the back button like if wants to visit the page the he has to loggin again.for example if user open a page and goto next page after that when he try to go back the page shouldn't open and he get the message of page expiration.
i m using following JSP code but its not working properly, the tools i m using are Apache version and Jrun version 3.02 and explorer5.
<% responce.setDateHeader("Expire",0);
as the above code does work in expolrer 4 and it works little bit in explorer 5 but still dosnt work properly.
it shows the values of previous page mostly and doesnt refresh at all.
i m using following JSP code but its not working properly, the tools i m using are Apache version and Jrun version 3.02 and explorer5.
<% responce.setDateHeader("Expire",0);
as the above code does work in expolrer 4 and it works little bit in explorer 5 but still dosnt work properly.
it shows the values of previous page mostly and doesnt refresh at all.