str_rangedate = dateadd("d",-180, now())
if str_vardate >= str_rangedate then
The above code makes str_range date 180's ago according to "response.write str_rangedate"
But the if statement seems to include every record? if I switch around the >= to <= it still doesn't work as expected. I'm not a programmer, whats wrong with my code?
What value does str_vardate return? If rs(registration_date) is a date only field, then you might try using the Date() function instead of the Now() function which returns a date/time value. What does the rest of your If statement look like.
str_vardate returns a variable datetime stamp similar to str_rangedate.
The IF statement is just this:
if str_vardate >= str_rangedate then
else str_cellcolour1 ="green"
end if
Where the cellcolour variable changes the colour on a cell
Any ideas? I have the theory down ok it just seems to not colour in what I expect. I have done this successfully for other variables such as "amount" it's just this datetime thing causing me issues...
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