Hi everyone -
I'm using Access 2000, and trying to print a field in my report page header that comes from a text box that the user enters into a form.
The text box in the page header of my report is called "PartialCode". The control source for this text box is set to "=[Forms]![Select LD Partial Code].Form!Selected".
This is only partially working!!! When my report displays, the page header of page 1 only correctly displays the "Selected" field from the form. All subsequent report pages display "#Name?" in the page header.
And to make this even more complicated, when I actually print the report, all pages (including page 1) print "#Name?" in the page header.
I must be on the right track, because page 1 is displaying the field on the screen correctly. But how do I get every page of the report to both display and print the correct data that is coming from the form?
Thanks for any help you can offer...
- Anita
I'm using Access 2000, and trying to print a field in my report page header that comes from a text box that the user enters into a form.
The text box in the page header of my report is called "PartialCode". The control source for this text box is set to "=[Forms]![Select LD Partial Code].Form!Selected".
This is only partially working!!! When my report displays, the page header of page 1 only correctly displays the "Selected" field from the form. All subsequent report pages display "#Name?" in the page header.
And to make this even more complicated, when I actually print the report, all pages (including page 1) print "#Name?" in the page header.
I must be on the right track, because page 1 is displaying the field on the screen correctly. But how do I get every page of the report to both display and print the correct data that is coming from the form?
Thanks for any help you can offer...
- Anita