Is there a way to disable the "Print..." button in the Print Preview screen? In VBA I tried to use "ActiveSheet.PrintPreview EnableChanges:=False", but that didn't do anything. We are using Excel 2000.
You can remove the button from the toolbar. Use Tools > Customize while in Print Preview (or just press and hold Alt and drag it away).
I've never tried, but I guess you can disable it rather than remove it if you want - which application are you asking about?
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Thanks for the replies so far! Currently our users run a macro in Excel 2000 that eventually prints or faxes a report. Due to mysterious circumstances (read user error/meddling) the reports are sometimes formatted improperly. So they've requested the ability to preview the report to make sure this cosmic oddity hasn't occured before it gets sent off.
So what I was thinking of doing was introducing a msgbox asking if they'd like to preview the report before it prints. If yes it pops up the preview. After they close the preview I ask them if the report looks correct. If yes, continue the macro and print/fax. If no, halt the macro and direct them to the programmers.
The problem I forsee here is that the user might push the print button in the preview, and then when they close the preview the macro will continue and print it a second time.
My apologies. You did say you were using Excel, I just didn't register it and replied with what you can do in Word. You should pay attention to xlhelp instead of me - I believe he's correct and Excel does not allow any kind of tweaking of the print preview window.
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