I am quite surprised that Crystal does not have a simple function called WeekEndDate({OrderDate.date}) that simply returns the Saturday date of any given week.
Sorting transactions and summarizing them by weekendingdate solutions tend to require the use of grouping or printing commands. If you want to see the weekending date in a detailed report, these do not work. Here is what I want to see:
Order No Order Date Week Ending
123456 12/06/2010 12/11/2010
567899 12/14/2010 12/18/2010
Sorting transactions and summarizing them by weekendingdate solutions tend to require the use of grouping or printing commands. If you want to see the weekending date in a detailed report, these do not work. Here is what I want to see:
Order No Order Date Week Ending
123456 12/06/2010 12/11/2010
567899 12/14/2010 12/18/2010