Hello All...
I've been toying with a piece of code that will go through all of the modules in a database (the current one for now), and place into a table (will create it if it's not there) the following information:
Database Name
Database Path
Module Name
Procedure Order (What order in the module this procedure is)
Procedure Name
Procedure Lines (The actual code for the procedure)
Procedure Lines Count (How many lines of code)
Code Lines Count (how many lines in the entire module)
Module Type (regular module or class module)
I'll put the code at the end of this post (It's pretty long.....)
Ok... I can get the information from all regular modules or object modules (forms and reports), but class modules are giving me a problem. I can't seem to figure out how to differentiate between Let, Get and Set properties with the same name. If anyone out there can help me, that would be appreciated.
The reason I'm doing this (other than because....) is that I've got some similar code in several databases, and want to make sure that I don't duplicate too much... as well as making sure that when I update them, they all get updated.
Also (as you'll see from the code), If anyone can help me figure out how to 'enumerate' modules from another database into the current database, that would be great too!!!
Here is the code:
That should be all of the code that you need. If you can help, that would be of great help!!!!!!
I've been toying with a piece of code that will go through all of the modules in a database (the current one for now), and place into a table (will create it if it's not there) the following information:
Database Name
Database Path
Module Name
Procedure Order (What order in the module this procedure is)
Procedure Name
Procedure Lines (The actual code for the procedure)
Procedure Lines Count (How many lines of code)
Code Lines Count (how many lines in the entire module)
Module Type (regular module or class module)
I'll put the code at the end of this post (It's pretty long.....)
Ok... I can get the information from all regular modules or object modules (forms and reports), but class modules are giving me a problem. I can't seem to figure out how to differentiate between Let, Get and Set properties with the same name. If anyone out there can help me, that would be appreciated.
The reason I'm doing this (other than because....) is that I've got some similar code in several databases, and want to make sure that I don't duplicate too much... as well as making sure that when I update them, they all get updated.
Also (as you'll see from the code), If anyone can help me figure out how to 'enumerate' modules from another database into the current database, that would be great too!!!
Here is the code:
Public Function EnumerateModules() As Boolean
'Purpose: Go through all of the Modules in the specified database and put them
' into a table, creating the table if it does not exist.
' strDatabasePath: The full path of the database you wish to enumerate;
' "" if you want the current database
'Sets: Puts all information into the table 'tblModules'. If it is not there,
' create the table
'Returns: Boolean value telling if it finished correctly, or there was an error.
'Author: Stan Paszt
'Created: 08/10/2001
'Possible Future changes:
'1 I want to get this fixed so that class modules will also be enumerated.
' The problem is with the GET, LET and SET Properties. They are usually the
' same name, so this sub will only get the first one.
'2 I'll probably change it so that the user will input a database, and it will
' open that database and enumerate the modules in it.
'(not in that particular order.)
'Stan Paszt
On Error GoTo ERR_EnumerateModules
Dim dbCurrent As database
Dim DB As database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim doc As Document, rpt As Report, frm As Form
Dim mdl As Module, bolIsLoaded As Boolean
Dim lngCount As Long, lngR As Long, intProcOrder As Integer
Dim lngCountDecl As Long, inti As Integer
Dim lngI As Long, lngCountProcLines As Long
Dim strProcName As String, strProcLines As String
Dim strModuleType() As String, intMT As Integer
Dim objTemp As Object, intModuleType As Integer
Dim strDBName As String, strDBPath As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.Hourglass True
If IsTQ("", "tblModules") = False Then
Call Create_tblModules_Table
DoCmd.RunSQL ("Delete * from tblModules")
End If
ReDim strModuleType(0 To 2)
strModuleType(0) = "Modules"
strModuleType(1) = "Forms"
strModuleType(2) = "Reports"
' If (Trim$(strDatabasePath) = "") Then
' '... then set Db to current Db.
Set DB = CurrentDb()
strDBPath = fhpIsolatePath(DB.Name)
strDBName = fhpWithOutDir(DB.Name)
' Else
' 'Otherwise, set Db to specified open database.
' strDBPath = fhpIsolatePath(strDatabasePath)
' strDBName = fhpWithOutDir(strDatabasePath)
' Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(strDatabasePath)
' 'See if an error occured.
' End If
Set dbCurrent = CurrentDb()
Set rs = dbCurrent.OpenRecordset("tblModules") 'Open the table for writing
intProcOrder = 0
'Move through the modules
For intMT = 0 To 2 Step 1
For Each doc In DB.Containers(strModuleType(intMT)).Documents
Select Case strModuleType(intMT)
Case "Modules"
intModuleType = acModule
Case "Forms"
intModuleType = acForm
Case "Reports"
intModuleType = acReport
End Select
bolIsLoaded = IsObjectOpen(intModuleType, doc.Name)
'you can't open the module if it's already open.
If bolIsLoaded = False Then
Select Case intModuleType
Case acModule
DoCmd.OpenModule doc.Name
Case acForm
DoCmd.OpenForm doc.Name, acDesign
Set objTemp = Forms(doc.Name)
If objTemp.HasModule = False Then GoTo No_Module
Case acReport
DoCmd.OpenReport doc.Name, acViewDesign
Set objTemp = Reports(doc.Name)
If objTemp.HasModule = False Then GoTo No_Module
End Select
End If
Select Case intModuleType
Case acModule
Set objTemp = Modules(doc.Name)
Case acForm
Set objTemp = Forms(doc.Name).Module
Case acReport
Set objTemp = Reports(doc.Name).Module
End Select
lngCount = objTemp.CountOfLines
lngCountDecl = objTemp.CountOfDeclarationLines
strProcLines = objTemp.Lines(1, lngCountDecl)
Do Until (Asc(Left(strProcLines, 1)) <> 13 And Asc(Left(strProcLines, 1)) <> 10 And Asc(Left(strProcLines, 1)) <> 32)
strProcLines = Mid(strProcLines, 2)
Do Until (Asc(Right(strProcLines, 1)) <> 13 And Asc(Right(strProcLines, 1)) <> 10 And Asc(Right(strProcLines, 1)) <> 32)
strProcLines = Mid(strProcLines, 1, Len(strProcLines) - 1)
With rs
!DatabaseName = strDBName
!databasepath = strDBPath
!ModuleName = objTemp.Name
!CodeLinesCount = lngCount
!ModuleType = objTemp.Type
!ProcedureName = "Declarations"
!ProcedureLines = strProcLines
!ProcedureLinesCount = lngCountDecl
!ProcedureOrder = intProcOrder
End With
'Check to see if there is anything else in the module
If lngCount > lngCountDecl Then
inti = lngCountDecl + 1
intProcOrder = intProcOrder + 1
strProcName = objTemp.ProcOfLine(inti, lngR)
If intModuleType = acModule And objTemp.Type = acClassModule Then
'this does not work yet.
lngCountProcLines = objTemp.ProcCountLines(strProcName, vbext_pk_Proc)
strProcLines = objTemp.Lines(inti, lngCountProcLines)
Do Until (Asc(Left(strProcLines, 1)) <> 13 And Asc(Left(strProcLines, 1)) <> 10 And Asc(Left(strProcLines, 1)) <> 32)
strProcLines = Mid(strProcLines, 2)
Do Until (Asc(Right(strProcLines, 1)) <> 13 And Asc(Right(strProcLines, 1)) <> 10 And Asc(Right(strProcLines, 1)) <> 32)
strProcLines = Mid(strProcLines, 1, Len(strProcLines) - 1)
End If
With rs
!DatabaseName = strDBName
!databasepath = strDBPath
!ModuleName = objTemp.Name
!CodeLinesCount = objTemp.CountOfLines
!ModuleType = objTemp.Type
!ProcedureName = strProcName
!ProcedureLines = strProcLines
!ProcedureLinesCount = lngCountProcLines
!ProcedureOrder = intProcOrder
End With
'Go through the rest of the module, enumerating the procedures
For lngI = inti To lngCount
If strProcName <> objTemp.ProcOfLine(lngI, lngR) Then
intProcOrder = intProcOrder + 1
strProcName = objTemp.ProcOfLine(lngI, lngR)
If intModuleType = acModule And objTemp.Type = acClassModule Then
'this does not work yet.
lngCountProcLines = objTemp.ProcCountLines(strProcName, vbext_pk_Proc)
strProcLines = objTemp.Lines(lngI, lngCountProcLines)
Do Until (Asc(Left(strProcLines, 1)) <> 13 And Asc(Left(strProcLines, 1)) <> 10 And Asc(Left(strProcLines, 1)) <> 32)
strProcLines = Mid(strProcLines, 2)
Do Until (Asc(Right(strProcLines, 1)) <> 13 And Asc(Right(strProcLines, 1)) <> 10 And Asc(Right(strProcLines, 1)) <> 32)
strProcLines = Mid(strProcLines, 1, Len(strProcLines) - 1)
End If
With rs
!DatabaseName = strDBName
!databasepath = strDBPath
!ModuleName = objTemp.Name
!CodeLinesCount = objTemp.CountOfLines
!ModuleType = objTemp.Type
!ProcedureName = strProcName
!ProcedureLines = strProcLines
!ProcedureLinesCount = lngCountProcLines
!ProcedureOrder = intProcOrder
End With
End If
Next lngI
End If
intProcOrder = 0
lngCountProcLines = 0
strProcLines = " "
'was it loaded to begin with? If not, close it.
Set objTemp = Nothing
If bolIsLoaded = False Then
DoCmd.close intModuleType, doc.Name, acSaveNo
End If
Next 'doc
Next 'intMT
rs.close: Set rs = Nothing
DB.close: Set DB = Nothing
DoCmd.Hourglass False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Exit Function
Select Case Err
Case 0, 3022 'insert errors you wish to ignore
Resume Next
Case 7961 'trying to enumerate this module, but it wan't opened already.
DoCmd.OpenModule doc.Name
Case Else 'All other errors will be trapped here
MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, _
"Error in function GeneralUtilitis.modEnumerateModules.EnumerateModules"
Resume EXIT_EnumerateModules
End Select
End Function
Private Sub Create_tblModules_Table()
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim idxPrimary As index
Set tdf = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef("tblModules")
With tdf
.Fields.Append .CreateField("DatabaseName", dbText, 50)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("DatabasePath", dbText, 255)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("ModuleName", dbText, 50)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("ProcedureOrder", dbLong)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("ProcedureName", dbText, 50)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("ProcedureLines", dbMemo)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("ProcedureLinesCount", dbLong)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("CodeLinesCount", dbLong)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("ModuleType", dbLong)
End With
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append tdf
Set tdf = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function IsTQ(DbName As String, tname As String) As Integer
'PURPSE: Determine if a table or query exists.
' DbNAme: The name of the database. If the database name is ""
' the current database is used.
' TName: The name of the table or query.
'RETURNS: True (exists) or False (not exist).
Dim DB As database, Found As Integer, test As String
'Assume the table or query does not exist.
Found = False
'Trap for any errors.
On Error Resume Next
'If the database name is empty...
If (Trim$(DbName) = "") Then
'... then set Db to current Db.
Set DB = CurrentDb()
'Otherwise, set Db to specified open database.
Set DB = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(DbName)
'See if an error occured.
If Err Then
MsgBox "Could not find database to open: " & DbName
IsTQ = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
'See if the name is int he Tables collection.
test = DB.TableDefs(tname).Name
If Err <> NAME_NOT_IN_COLLECTION Then Found = True
'Reset the error variable.
Err = 0
'See if the name is in the Queries collection.
test = DB.QueryDefs(tname$).Name
If Err <> NAME_NOT_IN_COLLECTION Then Found = True
IsTQ = Found
End Function
That should be all of the code that you need. If you can help, that would be of great help!!!!!!