We have a bunch of PDF on our web site. When the user has Acrobat Reader installed, no problem the PDF opens as it's supposed to.
When the user doesn't have Acrobat Reader installed:
On a PC : It asks either to open from location or save to disk, then it asks the user what to open the file with...
On a Mac : It does nothing ! Like if the link wasn't working.
We would like to be able to detect if the Acrobat Reader plugin is installed and, if not, give the user an error message with a link to dowload Acrobat Reader.
Any idea on how to do that ?
We have a bunch of PDF on our web site. When the user has Acrobat Reader installed, no problem the PDF opens as it's supposed to.
When the user doesn't have Acrobat Reader installed:
On a PC : It asks either to open from location or save to disk, then it asks the user what to open the file with...
On a Mac : It does nothing ! Like if the link wasn't working.
We would like to be able to detect if the Acrobat Reader plugin is installed and, if not, give the user an error message with a link to dowload Acrobat Reader.
Any idea on how to do that ?