Does anyone know how to detect if a browser is closed by a user clicking the "x" or by going to the File->Close menu option? I need major help on this real quick. Thanks in advance!
I use this to trap the closing of a browser.
Place in <head></head> In my application of the code I use a hidden field to detect changes.
Hope this helps
<!-- Code to trap user from clicking the upper right 'X' to quit -->
<SCRIPT ID=clientEventHandlersJS LANGUAGE=javascript>
function window_onbeforeunload() {
// Check your flag to determine if changes have been made
if (parent.document.frames(0).document.forms(0).hdnDirty.value > 0 ) {
event.returnValue = "You have made changes that have not be saved.\nIf you want to save changes click 'Cancel' and then click 'Save'.\nTo discard changes click ok."; }
<!-- Event to fire when "X" is clicked -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript FOR=window EVENT=onbeforeunload>
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