If you are refering to recorded greetings menu's etc. they can only be overwriten with a new recording.
is that what you are refering to?
Hill?? What hill??
I didn't see any $%@#(*$ Hill!!
Communication Systems Int'l
Thanks PT. I looked at it and it tells of backing up the MY SQL database and in the command line it has my sqldump does that mean it will dump all the data into the backup file and delete the data base? Usualy a backup just backs up and leaves the data. Plus it does not mention anything else about what happens to the database. Thanks
Somebody had posted this in a post last year.Hope it helps.
Here is how to default the RCC database:
(make sure all RCC windows are closed)
1) Go to "Services" and stop the MySQL service
2) Open Windows Explorer and navigate to MySQL (it could be on the root or within Program Files depending on the version of RCC installed)
3) Expand until you see a folder called CCRDB. This is the working RCC Database. Its in the "bin" or "data" folder. You can delete it, or cut/paste it somewhere else if you want to import some of the data back in.
4) Still in Windows Explorer, navigate to Program Files>Nortel Networks>Reporting for Contact Center (again, this may be different depending upon version)
5) Expand until you see a folder named CCRDB
6) Right-click the folder and choose "Copy"
7) Return to MySQL and "Paste" into where the previous CCRDB was.
8) Go to "Services" and start MySQL and then restart the service call RCC Launcher.
9) Bring up RCC in Internet Explorer. The login will be defaulted to 0000 and you will be forced to change it.
Go to Connection page and set your connection. The bottom of the page should provide an area to allow you to set the date you wish to begin pulling records off the Call Pilot.
You can purge data by date by connecting to the RCC server and logging in through web browser if you have the client set-up. Actually Nortel suggests purging the entries every so often to prevent HD from filling up.
Found it, I wasen't on site till today.
It is in the maintinence section of the admin/user screen and you can purge the data from a selected date. what is funny it does not say anything about it in the set up and ops guide.
Thanks for all the responces.
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