Below, I have modified the calculation codes below as shown in blue, with the code I replaced in red.
In changing the codes, I have now the sum of all the costs from Yr 2005 to Yr 2014. Given that the below-mentioned table "tt01_Detail_Recurrent" consists of the column "Year". How do I add another parametre in the codes below, so that it will only calculate the sum of costs for the duration of the contrat, e.g. 2005 to 2009?
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Below, I have modified the calculation codes below as shown in blue, with the code I replaced in red.
stSql2 = "SELECT tc05_Services.Ix_Statut_Prestation_tc05,tc05_Services.Ix_Service_Modulebox, Sum(tc05_Services.CSUR_EB) AS SumOfCSUR_EB, Sum(tc05_Services.CSUR_MEP) AS SumOfCSUR_MEP, Sum(tc05_Services.CSUR_GPA) AS SumOfCSUR_GPA, Sum(tc05_Services.CSUR_GCL) AS SumOfCSUR_GCL, Sum(tc05_Services.CSUR_COM) AS SumOfCSUR_COM, Sum(tc05_Services.CSUR_REXP) AS SumOfCSUR_REXP"
stSql2 = stSql2 & " FROM tc05_Services "
stSql2 = stSql2 & " WHERE (((tc05_Services.Segment_tc05)='" & rs![Index_Segment] & "')) GROUP BY tc05_Services.Ix_Statut_Prestation_tc05, tc05_Services.Ix_Service_Modulebox;"
rs2.Open stSql2, con2, 1 ' 1 = adOpenKeyset
While Not (rs2.EOF)
Year = yearStartContract - 1
'For each year, according to the duration of the contract
For cpti = 1 To [COLOR=blue]10[/color blue] [COLOR=red]DurationContract[/color red]
exposant = cpti - 1
Annee = Annee + 1
tableTt02("Index_Contrat") = IdContrat
tableTt02("Segment_tc05") = rs![Index_Segment]
tableTt02("statut_service") = rs2![Ix_Statut_Prestation_tc05]
tableTt02("Ix_Service_Modulebox") = rs2![Ix_Service_Modulebox]
tableTt02("Annee") = Annee
tableTt02("CSR_EB") = 0
tableTt02("CSR_MEP") = 0
tableTt02("CSR_GPA") = Nz(rs2![SumOfCSUR_GPA]) * ((1 + InflationRate) ^ exposant)
tableTt02("CSR_GCL") = (Nz(rs2![SumOfCSUR_GCL]))
tableTt02("CSR_COM") = (Nz(rs2![SumOfCSUR_COM]))
tableTt02("CSR_REXP") = Nz(rs2![SumOfCSUR_REXP]) * ((1 + InflationRate) ^ exposant)
Next cpti
Set tableTt02 = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set con = Nothing
Set rs2 = Nothing
Set con2 = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox (Err.Description)
Resume exit_sub
End Sub
In changing the codes, I have now the sum of all the costs from Yr 2005 to Yr 2014. Given that the below-mentioned table "tt01_Detail_Recurrent" consists of the column "Year". How do I add another parametre in the codes below, so that it will only calculate the sum of costs for the duration of the contrat, e.g. 2005 to 2009?
Call CalculRecurrentContrat(IdContrat)
stSql = "SELECT Sum(tt01_Detail_Recurrent.CTR_tt01) AS SumOfCTR_tt01, Sum(tt01_Detail_Recurrent.CCR_tt01) AS SumOfCCR_tt01, Sum(tt01_Detail_Recurrent.CFR_tt01) AS SumOfCFR_tt01"
stSql = stSql & " FROM tt01_Detail_Recurrent;"
rs.Open stSql, con, 1 ' 1 = adOpenKeyset
If Not (rs.EOF) Then
coutRecurrent = Nz(rs![SumOfCTR_tt01]) + Nz(rs![SumOfCCR_tt01]) + Nz(rs![SumOfCFR_tt01])
End If
Thank you in advance for your assistance!